Real time assistance usually involves real person or agent volunteering or paid to help you in your everyday tasks. You contact someone who will use your phone camera and describe what they see for you.
There are two apps currently available. One is free the other has a monthly fee.
- Be My Eyes: volunteer based and super efficient . We have a full review of the app in one episode of our podcast. The app evolved dramatically over the past few years. It used to be based on regular volunteering sighted people only. The app now adds agents from multiple organizations who will help you read documents and fill forms. For example if you want to register to vote, there are agents specifivally trained to help you fill the form. Free.
- Aira: Free to monthly fee, it works as Be my Eyes but relies on agents instead of volunteers which explai why it is not free.
Both are very good apps to use. My personal preference is Be My Eyes just because I used it so many times in the past. and nothing beats free. I have not tried the professional agent part of the app yet. I will update when I do.
Do you have your own preference ? If so, share your thoughts below.