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Logo showing Blind Sanity in Braille
Writer's pictureFabrice R

Volunteer Contributors Needed.

Our new website needs bloggers in the following areas:

  1. Lifestyle: Cooking, Fashion, Gardening, Sport, Meditation, lifehaxks

  2. Technologies: Electronics, Connected Devices, Accessibility, Assistive Technology for the Blind

  3. Legal: ADA regulations, social security and disability programs, Anti-discrimination laws and regulations.

You do not need to be an expert in any of these fields. All you need is honesty, personal interest and passion to help others to the best of your capabilities.

When selected, you will need to issue a minimum of two blog articles a week. Unless there is a request for a special topic, you are free to blog about anything you like within your assigned field.

Note that these positions are voluntary based. There is no funding at that stage. You will be in for an adventure trying to develop the website.

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